Saga Dawa Duchen

Buddha Shakyamuni

Saga Dawa is the most sacred of the Buddhist holy days. The Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and entry into Nirvana are observed together on the 15th day of Saga Dawa, May 25th. All the merit of virtuous actions done on this day is multiplied one hundred million times.

Amrita Sangha invites you to participate in an offering of lamps to commemorate the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and Nirvana. If you wish to make on offering of lamps on this day, click here. The lamps will be lit on May 25th. Please make a note in the Special Instructions that the lamps are for Saga Dawa.

We will also be offering Chenrezig Tsok on Saga Dawa, Saturday, May 25th at 7pm at our center to celebrate  this auspicious day. Empowerment is a requirement to participate in this practice. Whether or not you are able to attend you can also make a tsok offering. All butterlamp and tsok dedications will be read during tsok.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.  Offer Butter lamps and/or tsok.