Announcing: Lama Padma Teaching at Amrita in October:
- Lojong Teaching Series – Training the Mind in Love and Compassion
October 12, 19, and 26 – Wednesdays 7pm – 9pm - Chenrezig Retreat Weekend – October 15 and 16: Empowerment, Teachings, and Practice from the Kusum Gongdu Cycle
Saturday, October 15: 10am – 7pm, 10am Empowerment
Sunday, October 16: 9am – 5pm
Tsok Schedule:
- Sunday, September 18 Guru Rinpoche 6pm
- Thursday, September 15 Chenrezig 7pm
Wednesday Night Practice, 7pm:
- September 7
- September 14:
- September 21:
- September 28
Butter-lamp Prep work group: not currently scheduled for September
Monthly meeting: important meeting to discuss Monthly Program. Attendance encouraged
- Monday, September 12 Council Meeting 7pm