Amrita and Rigdzin Ling Livestream Program with Lama Padma
Livestream link
Schedule (all times are Pacific Time)
Please note: Precious Echoes practice will be every Wednesday this month.
April 6, Wednesday – Way of the Bodhisattva Teachings 7PM
April 7, Thursday — Chenrezig Tsok Feast 7PM
April 9, Saturday – Red Tara Tsok Feast 9-11AM
April 13, Wednesday – Precious Echoes 7PM
April 20, Wednesday – Way of the Bodhisattva Teachings 7PM
April 21, Thursday – Guru Rinpoche Tsok Feast 7:30PM
Please note; Guru Rinpoche is livestreamed with Rigdzin Ling and in-person at Amrita shrine room.
April 27, Wednesday – Precious Echoes 7PM
Additional April Schedule Info
April 11, Monday — Amrita Council Meeting 7:30PM
Important Date
April 30, Solar Eclipse and Full Moon. (All merit is magnified during this time.)
Save the Date
May 6—8, Throma Drubchod with Tromge Jigme Rinpoche at Ati Ling/PPI
May 26—30, Chenrezig Drubchod with Chagdud Khadro & other Chagdud Gonpa lamas at Rigdzin Ling