July 2021 – Amrita and Rigdzin Ling Livestream Program with Lama Padma
Livestream link
Schedule (all times are Pacific Time)
July 1, Thursday – Daily Practice with Rigdzin Ling, 3PM PDT
Note: After short break, join Chenrezig Tsok as follows:
Chenrezig Tsok Feast, 5:00PM PDT (Please note time change)
July 7 Wednesday – Way of the Bodhisattva Teachings (YouTube livestream), 7PM PDT
July 10 Saturday — Red Tara Tsok Feast, 9AM PDT
July 14 Wednesday – Precious Echoes, 7PM PDT
July 15, Thursday – Daily Practice with Rigdzin Ling, 3PM PDT
Note: After short break, join Guru Rinpoche Tsok as follows:
Guru Rinpoche Tsok Feast 5PM PDT (Please note time change).
NEW! In-Person at Amrita Shrine Room in Edmonds, WA.
July 15 Thursday – Guru Rinpoche Tsok Feast, 7PM PDT
This is not a livestream event. This is in-person only.
July 21 Wednesday – Way of the Bodhisattva Teachings (YouTube livestream), 7PM PDT
July 28 Wednesday – Precious Echoes, 7PM PDT
Typically every month with Lama Padma and Rigdzin Ling Sangha
Chenrezig will be on the 1st Thursday, 7PM PT
Red Tara will be on the 2nd Saturday, 9AM PT
Guru Rinpoche will be on the 3rd Thursday, 7PM PT
Chagdud Gonpa Amrita
The seat of the Chagdud Gonpa Foundation for the Greater Seattle and Puget Sound region of western Washington, USA. Since 1983, it has provided a place for practitioners to practice in the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.
Amrita phone number – 206-504-3403
Prayer list additions and requests: go to our website at amritaseattle.org/contact/prayer-request/