Teaching Event with Lama Padma Gyatso:
Lama Padma continues the Wednesday evening teaching series on the 6 Perfections: April 8th and April 15th starting at 7pm.
Tsok Schedule
Friday April 3th……….Chenrezig………….7pm
Saturday April 11th…..Tara………………….7pm
Monday April 27th……Guru Rinpoche….7pm
Wednesday Night, 7pm:
April 1
April 8: Lama Padma teaching
April 15: Lama Padma teaching
April 22
April 29
Butter-lamp Prep work-group (1st Sunday of the Month):
Sunday, April 5th outside at butter-lamp house 10am – 12:30pm
Next COUNCIL Meeting: MONDAY, April 13th, 7:30pm at Amrita Center